Screenplay Only
Total Cost: $5,000.00 USD
If you're looking to translate your outline, concept, story, or novel into a fully realized screenplay that is ready to submit to contests, managers, agents, producers, and/or production houses this is the service for you. Within a 90-day timeframe, we will work with you to create a treatment and screenplay based on agreed-upon milestones. Initial Fee: $2,500.00 Total Cost: $5,000
Duration of Services: 3 months
Timeframe for Deliverables:
$2,500.00 initial retainer due up front
-Treatment developed from your story, outline, novel, or other source material (4 weeks)
$1,500.00 second payment to start work on script
$1000.000 on delivery of approved script (8 weeks).
Please note payments outside of initial retainer may be made via client by PayPal invoice that will be sent by nextPix.
Before ordering this service please contact us for next steps that will include completing our standard screenwriting contract.